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Classes can also make use of the native `instanceof` JavaScript operator [0].

It is also possible to then infer a type from a class so you can use both the class where you want to discriminate types and the type where you really only care about the shape.

The absolutism towards OOP/FP -- instead of embracing the right use cases for each -- always ruffles me in the wrong way. C#, for example, does a great job of blending both OOP and FP (borrowing heavily from F# over the years). JS and by extension TS has the same flexibility to use the right paradigm for the right use cases, but it seems that everyone wants to be on one end of the spectrum or the other instead of accepting that JS is an amalgamation.

Evan You had a great quote on this where he correctly calls out much of the complexity and performance issues with React as being rooted in pushing against the language rather than embracing it.

[0] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...

Classes are very underutilised in TypeScript. I recently introduced them to our codebase at my day job and got a fair bit of pushback because it wasn’t “JavaScripty” enough.

That's a weird objection, because Typescript classes are literally Javascript classes[1].

[1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...

There was plenty of outrage when classes were added to JS. “JS uses prototypal inheritance, not OOP!”

I'm still a bit cranky about that, but because objects should be good enough for anyone. They aren't even really classes anyway.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, for all intents and purposes, it is a duck.

I like classes well enough; I just find that often they over-complicate simple code, especially when you introduce inheritance. Since classes are effectively just syntax sugar I often find it's more intuitive to go with object syntax but to each their own. So long functionality is isolated in modules I'm happy.

> The absolutism towards OOP/FP

… also doesn’t need to proscribe use or non-use of classes. People were doing OOP in JS long before classes were added to the language. I routinely use classes in a FP style because they’re excellent for modeling value types with a stable structure.

JS classes are a great fit for FP. They're just functions with closures and a little syntactic sugar.

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