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An LLM should represent a reasonable middle of the political bell curve where Antifa is on the far left and Alt-Right is on the far right. That is what I meant by a neutral observer. Any kind of political violence should be cosidered deplorable, which was not the case with some of the Gemini answers. Though I do concede that right wingers cooked up questionable prompts and were fishing for a story.

> An LLM should represent a reasonable middle of the political bell curve where Antifa is on the far left and Alt-Right is on the far right. That is what I meant by a neutral observer.

This is a bad idea.

Equating extremist views with those seeking to defend human rights blurs the ethical reality of the situation. Adopting a centrist position without critical thought obscures the truth since not all viewpoints are equally valid or deserve equal consideration.

We must critically evaluate the merits of each position (anti-fascists and fascists are very different positions indeed) rather than blindly placing them on equal footing, especially as history has shown the consequences of false equivalence perpetuate injustice.

All of this is political. It always is. Where does the LLM fall on trans rights? Where does it fall on income inequality? Where does it fall on tax policy? "Any kind of political violence should be considered deplorable" - where's this fall on Israel/Gaza (or Hamas/Israel)? Does that question seem non-political to you? 50 years ago, the middle of American politics considered homosexuality a mental disorder - was that neutral? Right now if you ask it to show you a Christian, what is it going to show you? What _should_ it show you? Right now, the LLM is taking a whole bunch of content from across society, which is why it turns back a white man when you ask it for a doctor - is that neutral? It's putting lipstick on an 8-year-old, is that neutral? Is a "political bell curve" with "antifa on the left" and "alt-right on the right" neutral in Norway? In Brazil? In Russia?

Speaking as somebody from outside the United States, please keep the middle of your political bell curve away from us.

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