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This is forcing the US government to show their true colors.

What exactly is their intention?

Banning content that is both critical of the government and extremely popular with younger people

There's a lot more leftist/anticapitalist content (and political content in general) on tiktok compared to youtube shorts and instagram reels.

Is there more of that type of content? Or is it pushed up by the tiktok algorithm more than other social media? I don't think this is the case, but you are not in a position to state that categorically.

I don't think you'll ever be able to get a straight & correct answer to that question, but I don't think it really matters, because the effect is the same.

I and every friend I've talked to about tiktok has seen much more political content on tiktok than other short video apps.

You don’t think it matters whether you are viewing the authentic crowdsourced views of your countrymen, or the boosted political propaganda of an adversary?


I'm not sure why you're arguing with me, I never ascribed merit or claimed it was good or bad

Gee I wonder why that is.

Who owns the damn thing anyway?

Oh right. Communists.

No content has been banned, though.

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