In addition I think you are making a false equivalence here. As a German citizen, I can only emphasize that grouping people along the "Jew" line and drawing hateful conclusions from it is a path to a dark place. I don't care what other scenarios might also be problematic, I can say without a doubt, the sentiment he endorsed is anti-semitic!
This is not whataboutism - I am not saying it's not wrong because others do it too, or that it's not antisemitism. I am not presenting any opinion or judgment. I am trying to understand whether it's considered to be the same or different.
BTW my grandfather was in a Nazi concentration camp. I guess that says enough about what I think. But my opinion is not the matter here.
> I am trying to understand whether it's considered to be the same or different.
Why does it matter in this conversation?
If you want an ethical discussion about a mildly related topic, please find someone else to have it with. I'm not interested in having that discussion with you here.
Our countries weren't conquered by foreign powers who set up occupation governments with blasphemy laws against the ruling classes. Please leave your German brainwashing on these topics at home.
Yes, NATO nations have marked Russia as the clear and designated enemy. So, any statements that that support Russia or Russians are very bad and wrong and will be down-voted. All statements that criticize Russia or Russians are very good and correct and will be up-voted. You are a Pro-Putin-bot if you disagree with this.
If somebody said that about "Russian communities", "Russians" or "Russia", would that also be wrong?