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AWS was built from the start to be a sold product, whereas it sounds like this massive charging network is purely internal. Seems like a very big difference between wiring up your warehouse lots for charging, versus building power infrastructure across the country.

I agree. Plus level 2 is what you want for overnight or tiny top-ops if you’re going to be in a store for a while.

You don’t want it for road trips or in place of a home charger. It’s too slow. You want DC fast charging.

But for something like Amazon who has vans sitting overnight it’s much cheaper and more than adequate.

EC2 was developed first for Amazon's internal infrastructure.

Can't find any specific history of EC2, but the concept of AWS as being a commercial offering seems like the idea from the outset: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/welcome/

Even if they dog-fooded EC2 internally first, all the public documentation I can find seems to suggest that they were always considering it as a product they would eventually sell.

Regardless of the specific timeline of AWS and its associated products, I think it's a bad (or at best shallow) comparison if you're trying to forecast Amazon's relationship to EV charging. Most tech companies build massive infra for their internal use and never open it to the public, seems way more likely that their EV charging infra would fall into this case than become anything similar to AWS. Especially when you consider the magnitude of difference between filling your parking lots with chargers, vs. brokering power between utilities and EV drivers. Nobody's arguing that Amazon is going to open a chain of gas stations, despite the fact that a few years ago they probably had a massive fuel distribution infrastructure.

edit: found more detail here: https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-amazon-exposed-its-guts-th...

Definitely the idea of selling EC2 was there from the start, relevant quote is:

> Pinkham thought about this issue and, in 2003, started trying to build an "infrastructure service for the world". His hope was that he could develop a service that would not only deal with Amazon's infrastructure, but also help developers.

It wouldn’t be the craziest thing to happen. People were surprised when a book store entered the cloud services business. Amazon has pattern of solving internal problems and turning the solutions into businesses.

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