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NNs can do the things GOFAI is good at a whole lot better than GOFAI can do the things NNs are good at.

That's wishful thinking not supported by empirical results.

Hey, og_kalu, I vouched for your comment but it stays dead. It's not you, it was me who was out of line, with my comment: "wishful thinking"; that's not a very polite thing to say. And my original comment was a bit prissy, too.

To be honest, I'm always a bit jumpy around your comments because I've noticed them all over the place and they're often grayed-out. You kind of tend to go for the jugular. I don't mean that as a good thing. I think others have noticed it too and you get more reaction than you should. That's a shame, because it's clear there's lots of interesting conversations to be had, given you have such strong views and you seem to have done quite a bit of reading; though only on one side of things.

Anyway sorry for starting it this time around and that you got dead'ed, I hope we get to disagree more in the future.

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