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It costs too much.

I disagree. It delivers too little for the cost. I'm sure you could sell a $3,500.00 face computer but it's got to deliver more - smaller, lighter, faster, etc. - then this does.

> I disagree. It delivers too little for the cost

I feel like this is a rephrasing of the same thing. If it delivers too little for the cost it costs too much.

way too much

Low value + high cost is a tough sales even for a company with a pretty impressive brand quality. That said I am interested to see the third iteration and where that lands.

AVP actually erodes the brand value given the price and value proposition if seen together.

Meh. I think it's about the right price for the quality.

However I can't think of any actual applications for it that would have a return on investment which means it's not worth spending that money. Literally everything it does can be done better elsewhere for less money.

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