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Isn't that a question of incentives, though?

Modern people residing on Earth don't generally have to be self sufficient for months. Even in isolated places like the South Pole during winter, windows of opportunity for transport to civilization open here and now.

On the other hand, the Sentinelese are self sufficient. Yeah, on a primitive level, but they manage it, because they simply have to. None of us here on HN would be able to live like the Sentinelese.

If someone really dumps a hundred people on a distant planet, they have to prepare the mission to be self-sufficient for at least a year or two.

Are you asking yourself?

"If someone really dumps a hundred people on a distant planet"... they die.

Yes the incentive to not die is exactly why there is a ton of work to be done before it is a practical reality.

Really, even transportation of 100 people at once is currently a fantasy.

For some reason, I didn't have a Reply link available at your comment for hours.

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