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Reading about brain waves makes me think analog computing could be the way to go.

The main issue is that we're lacking one of the four fundamental circuit components: the memristor [0].

If we had a simple, throw it in a box for five years, stable memristor, we'd have everything we'd need for brain modeling. Being as a memristor is effectively a synapse.

With that, we would want to do everything in the analog domain anyways.

[0] the other three are the resistor, the capacitor, and the inductor.

We have them now, on chips and everything.

Woah, where?!

I can't seem to find anything on memristors being on chip or really being in solid state anything.

I would love to get my hands on them!

A quick Google search will find thousands of articles.

It was possible to buy memristor storage devices, but they weren't sufficiently competitive with ordinary flash memory and I believe they're relegated to niche applications such as high erase counts.

AI implementations on Memristor circuitry has come up often enough that even I've heard of it. E.g.: A random recent development is https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45312-0

I've been googling for a while on these, it's the first I've heard of it. Do you have a link at all? Not trying to troll here, I really am genuinely interested.

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