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Krazam OS (krazam.tv)
975 points by zdgeier 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 185 comments

their "merch store" https://merch.krazam.tv/ is losing out on a lot of potential revenue by not even making a reference to their most viral videos. Who wouldn't want to rock a Galactus shirt.

can we crowdsource merch ideas for these guys pls

My two favorite quotes of theirs are from the same video:

- "I have delivered value... But at what cost?", being the title of the video

- "Have the KPIs of my own life failed to grow quarter over quarter?"

> "I have delivered value... But at what cost?" Still resonate in my head from time to time in all sort of silly context

Open the terminal and enter "yahoo_cd" for a 3 part scavenger hunt for 15% off in the store! Might need to pick myself up a BALLMERCON 2019" shirt. Maybe one day Makro will be redeemed.

At first I thought it was "BALLMERCOIN 2019", which would also be a kind of cool shirt.

That would be an alternate history where Ballmer went rogue.

Ballmer has gone rogue since the 80s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgJS2tQPGKQ

he's so much better as "billionaire sports team owner & rabid fan" than "tech company executive"

“Except in Nebraska!”

He would have called it WINDOWSCOIN even if Microsoft had already excommunicated him!

Devcoins mined by compiling code in Visual Sudio

Instead we have coins mined by MS Teams. Or at least it often feels like it mines something in the background.

I think Galactus is Marvel IP, so I don't think they can do that one.

Galactus is deprecated.

It's been replaced by Omnious all knowing all seeing user provider, made by famous xz contributor NotCIA.

Right? Where is the "Take this offline" t-shirt :D


One of my favorites! I feel not enough people appreciate the "leadership sync" skit.

Often when I have a Zoom meeting I zone out and this skit plays in my head instead.

Agreed. Please give me a mug with the microservices diagram.

my girlfriend printed me this for my birthday https://pasteboard.co/PIa4O7tTOS6s.jpg Her parents were wildly confused

that's wife material right there. lmk if you have a spare for me

I need one with the daily DevOps affirmations to get through my mornings.

I just want that rant from the end of the video on a mug.


They can do omega star with iso timestamps

If Omega Star ever gets its shit together

“gets its shirt together”?

Oh definitely. Love Galactus.

"My friends and family understand what I do" (paraphrased)

+1 I was ready to drop $$$

They'd get a cease&desist instantly if they sold a T-shirt with Galactus (an IP they don't own)

They'd get deallocated

"Use code: RFC9899 at checkout for 15% off your order"

A reference to their video IETF Celebrates The Standards [LIVE at Demuxed '22]


"DevOps is a meaningful term"

I want EKS > Galactus

The hustle mug is a good idea.

Entropy Kaos System

Krazam is definitely the highlight of my YouTube subscriptions. Its specificity makes it even funnier.

I often think about their Senior Engineer video before interviews. I simultaneously aspire to match that character's ancient wisdom and am terrified that I might accidentally resemble him personally.

I actually have stopped telling stories thanks to that skit.

There aren’t many software engineering comedy channels but Krazam is hilarious no matter what scale you’re rating on

I find "Programmers are also human" quite funny as well. Interviews with stereotypes.


They are funny but the format gets kinda old after a few videos.

Agreed. I think this is one of the formats which would admittedly do better as a 30s reel than a 2-3min video. The gags about a junior JS developer or a grisly old C++ master are super funny, but there’s only so much material there.

Did you not enjoy the Microsoft Excel videos?

The stereotype premise is funny but the jokes don't land very often. The jump cuts where he repeats words are also not jokes at all.

The recent video about the T3 stack just lists off names of libraries that we're all forced to use. I get that it's relatable but there's a difference between funny and relatable.

> The jump cuts where he repeats words are also not jokes at all.

Hard disagree, those are the most hilarious parts to me. Best example of this is the ffmpeg video.

Fireship is very different, but also highly worth a subscription.

I’ve tried to show it to my gf, who is v funny btw, and she had no idea what parts were supposed to be funny.

Is she an Amazon SDE or SF techie or very similar? Does she enjoy deadpan, droll, amd non sequitur?

If not, yeah.


"You were born to deploy Kubernetes clusters."

I watch KRAZAM and I get into a deep existential crisis. I love them.

It's more absurdist. Programmers are also human is way more on tech point in his jokes.

Krazam does tech humor better than I've ever seen it. Absolutely dunks on silicon valley & big bang theory.

Is big bang theory really "tech humor?"

I haven't watched much because the laugh track and general cheesiness turned me off.. but I thought it was just jokes about him being a "nerd" in the ways mainstream people think of nerds..

I'm convinced the big bang theory is intended for older audiences that see their grand children or children in the main characters; they relate to watching smart young people who can do things they don't understand learn to handle basic social conflict; and the trouble is never serious and is typically resolved nicely within 30 minutes so you know everyone will be OK.

> "jokes about him being a 'nerd' in the ways mainstream people think of nerds"

"Big Bang Theory" was initially written that way, but the original pilot episode was a famous flop. Test audiences hated the characters. (The unaired pilot can be found with a Google search.)

Even though the pilot failed, the studio liked the concept enough that the showrunners were given the rare opportunity to reshoot the pilot with a new script. They introduced the character of Penny and balanced the scenes carefully around emotional connection, to make it clear to audiences when the characters are connecting or failing to connect. And that's probably closer to why millions of people love the show — it's not the tech jokes or laughing at nerds but the empathy.

Interesting, And I'd still rather watch a episode of IT Crowd than any BBT.

Likewise, “IT Crowd” is great.

But the point about BBT is that it isn’t really a show about nerds or physics; it’s about emotional intelligence. This was a fairly groundbreaking angle for a Hollywood sitcom at the time when comparable mainstream shows were built on rather mean-spirited writing and stunted character development, like “How I Met Your Mother” and “Two and a Half Men.”

Are you ignoring the whole era of ABC TGIF and family sitcoms?

Seinfeld was invented as an antithesis to that whole genre. "No hugging, no learning". Maybe they were so successful that they obsoleted what they were rebelling against.

Give me the tech jokes I don’t need empathy

[studio audience laughs]

To me, it feels like a nerd minstrel show, like, "Oh, that's how they see us."

No, it is advertising.

Their delivery is so good

Somehow, unrelated.. With the rise of such cool OS projects like Puter[1], DaedalOS [2] et al. [3], with Krazam being one of them, I can't help but dream of the day when the .os TLD for operating systems is introduced. I believe it would make more sense to use/read krazam.os rather than krazam.tv.

About a year ago, new TLDs were introduced [4], with .zip and .mov being the most popular. However, the .os TLD wasn't on the list, which was disappointing for me!

I'm uncertain about the criteria that determine whether a TLD is a good candidate, and I may be the only one emotionally attached to the idea of a .os TLD. Nevertheless, the introduction of the .zip TLD faced numerous complaints[5],[6], particularly regarding security concerns.


1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33838179

2. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38830132 & https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29779753

3. https://simone.computer/#/webdesktops

4. https://fieldeffect.com/blog/what-you-should-know-about-the-...

5. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-zip-domai...

6. https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2023/05/zip-domains

Afaik all 2-letter TLDs are ccTLDs, which means they must be a country code of some country and are managed by it. There's no country with "os" yet, so to make the TLD available one would need to found a new country first!

Let's call it the Oasis of Servers. I guess we could find an old oil platform or something...

I've been of the opinion for a while now that they should just go ahead and make all 26^2 two letter tlds available. Would be neat.

If they did that, everyone would worry about registering all the domains with a Levenshtein distance of 1 from theirs, in case of typos.

Oh, thanks for the clarification! I didn't thought about this.

I may be wrong, but I believe all 2 letter TLDs are ccTLDs. All none ccTLDs would have to be 3 characters or longer.

Then it's .ops

How about .oess? "No, it's spelt o-ess. Yes, just like the 2 letters, O and S. What do you mean you're confused?"

I clicked on safe space and all was right in the world once more

"You were born to deploy kubernetes"

"Your feedback is actionable and important"

"There will never be another outage again"

"Your tests are reliable and have appropriate coverage"

pfft.. I have no tests. Still need to figure out how to write them.

You start by choosing between multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or an essay question...

Well, technically all of your tests are very reliable then.

100% of the tests are passing.

That’s a divide by zero error so technically the percentage of passing tests goes to infinity as the number of tests approaches zero.


Reminds me of Severance Wellness Sessions

Please try to enjoy all your Jira tickets equally.


How much do we need to pay this guy to quit software and just make jokes?

This guy is an icon.

i feel like their humor would drop if they lost touch with their real jobs. but also they prob need to do a lot of work to reassure their coworkers that specific parodies of them are off limits or something

Not sure he's actually /in/ software, but you can still pay them here: https://www.patreon.com/KRAZAM

Not sure if he still is, but definitely was. Many of his videos are filmed in the Amazon NYC office.

He left Amazon a few months ago to do a job where he could spend more time focusing on Krazam! Check out the Patreon! They are both getting super serious and are hopefully going to put out more great content soon!


I'm surprised he got the go-ahead from Amazon to film there

Haha. You're also looking to make the leap from engineering to comedy?

You made me laugh. I think I love you.

It's actually two guys as far as I can tell, but yes, they are definitely awesome.

Yeah, from their Patreon "We’re Ben and Shiva, two friends/mid-level software engineers who have been making dumb stuff together for over a decade."

I saw he was doing a standup set in New York and I was very tempted to undertake the trip to see it.

saw it. lets just say they have a lot of fans but they're better youtubers than live comedians (for now)

IMO it was super good for a first shot! They way over did the software that they used to present the show, but I was super impressed with the polish! I have a feeling they will grow to be much better after some practice!

I don't know how much good content they can sustain full time, but 25 videos in 7 years is not enough.

Click on “safe space”.

DEVOPS is a meaningful term.


This had me laughing too. Very cool. Kind of neat that this one sits right next to the meta OS article...

Cue music from the lion King ...

Can you feel the irony tonight... It's so obvious..

Huge meta corps writing a spurious OS..

What a hideous mess...

It makes me happy that it sits right above the Meta OS post (at this writing).

"Your family understands what you do..."

This makes me chuckle.

The binary code at boot time spells "hello world s":

  01101000 01100101
  01101100 01101100
  01101111 00100000
  01110111 01101111
  01110010 01101100
  01100100 00100000

my favorite part of the boot screen is: `Circadian Rhythm :not good`

What the "s" at the end?

Saying hello to multiple worlds

ahh ok, there shouldn't be that final space (00100000)

Oh wow, this is giving very strong Severance vibes!

Straight to the bookmarks

still one of my all time faves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8OnoxKotPQ

I have an extract out of it bookmarked, ready to be sent to unruly product managers, sales people and ux designers: https://www.youtube.com/embed/y8OnoxKotPQ?start=138&end=148

One of the most brilliant things ever to be born from the internet uterus. I show this every time our PM asks "why".

I like the Safe Spaces. Such heart warming contents! Also, the joke I told in the meeting WAS really funny!

I wonder where that sound/song is coming from, is there a Youtube channel or similar?

Came to say the same thing (about your joke of course). The Safe Space was genuinely both very funny and insightful.

Wow, I fully expected that to destroy my browser history. Imagine my shock when I clicked back and ended up back on HN. Great work.

Fun 15 mins. They really should have made the prize code make merch cost more, not less. I think that would have fit well with the theme!

That SRE video accurately depicted my life in DevOps. I felt that one.

The top two HN posts are currently:

1. Krazam OS (krazam.tv) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40126751

2. Meta Horizon OS (meta.com) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40115554

Both posts feature OS but with rather different look and feel.

Even odds on which one will still be going in 10 years time.

Does it support ISO timestamps?


I don't think so. The boot screen notes that Omega Star is still a blocker

I clicked on trash and found exactly what I was looking for

Nicely done.

Anyone know if Omegastar can support ISO timestamps yet?

They truly speak to the soul of a new industry

If you want to run something that looks like windows xp/98 on your browser startpage you can try this extension that I created: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/xp-newtab/ncfmlogae...

GitHub repo: https://github.com/Etesam913/xp-newtab/

I always get one enter away from posting the "I've brought value but at what cost" video in my company slack but then I chicken out.

Post the "Leadership Sync" video after an executive shakeup.

buttery smooth scrolling + windows 98 = perfection

I am changing my login ID to MilleniumMasterX2!

Here is a nice Easter egg that I found:

Open the terminal. Type help. Then type yahoo_cd

    > Company merch exists to provide an illusion of purpose to your meaningless life.
This guy should have a Comedy Central show by now.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUsDk8wjRPs from them kills me every time

Doubly funny when it first came out because IIRC Slackware ha just released a new version

Krazam really captures the feeling of working for a mid-sized startup in SF perfectly. The pedantry, the braggadocio, and most of all the absurdity and the alienation one feels working on this stuff.

Their video "The Hustle" [1] is such a pitch perfect shot at a very common person in tech (and in NYC/SF especially).

The "read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations in bed on my Nook - didn't understand shit!" comes back to me almost weekly reading HN comments sometimes.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o7qjN3KF8U

> The pedantry, the braggadocio, and most of all the absurdity and the alienation one feels working on this stuff.

Also at FAANG and FAANG wannabes. The absurd obsession over BS and pedantic conflicts is just yucky.

Because it was started by ex-FAANGers, Amazon specifically.

> braggadocio

Thank you for showing me a new word today!

This really is the peak of user interface design. I will never be convinced otherwise.

The affirmations video is great. I'm still waiting for a Makro comeback as well!

Obligatory microservices video: https://youtu.be/y8OnoxKotPQ

They're hilarious, I think only matched by Austin Nasso who does a tech roast show: https://youtube.com/@austinnasso/videos

thats a tall order given he has 3 orders of magnitude less views. i'll give it a shot but burden of proof is on you...

Kardashians have 3 orders of magnitude more views so burden of proof is on you

He's pretty funny, but suffers from having to pump out more content for tiktok IMO. Krazam rarely uploads but it's always a banger

The latter is mostly on TikTok, not YouTube, but I know HN is not too amenable to watching TikTok so I linked his YouTube.

yay go Krazam! absolutely love their videos, their videos are THE inside jokes between me and my co-workers.

Open the Terminal and type help to start a puzzle, not much to it but it was a bit of silly fun!

Ha, I made a boot-up sequence on my site in the mid-90s. Brings back the memories.

I'm still using picchi 1.0 to improve my deployment pipeline by 20%

terminal wants me to FIND THE FIRST CODE IN THE SYLLABUS. where?!?!

Hint: do something you would normally never do on something you normally never even notice.

Okay I clicked on an ad. It gave me a discount code, but that's not the first puzzle solution.

im having a moment - i'm an absolute dead ringer for Ben Burke..its freaking me out XD Also they are outrageously funny!

Could Krazam be behind the HN spam today?

I forgive them

The syllabus reminds me of HyperCard

What happens with the recycle bin

It's a video feed of yourself with clippy in the bottom right corner saying "It's you"

I'm glad I checked the comments first, not worth it.

Give it access and find out

Devops is a meaningful term

Much better than HorizonOS.


spent way too long looking for that code in the syllabus

Nice old-school look

i just love the details on this one. thanks for sharing!

In a world of people with side projects on GitHub, be the guy with a satire YouTube page.

Which one looks better on your resume?


Interviewers might actually look at your YouTube. Not your GitHub.

Weird, twice now it has locked up Firefox when I try to open it.

Maybe it's somehow trying to access my clipboard, and that's triggering a separate problem I've been having when RDP'ing to a certain Linux machine in another window...

The class name on the HTML element definitely makes me want to start using more expressive class names in my code. (Doesn't seem I'm able to copy/paste it into a Hacker News comment)

I would be surprised if the KRAZAM guys did not have an HN account. They are so plugged in the Silicon Valley startup life.

Now I want to see a video from them that references or is about Hacker News.

HN may be too easy to read as parody, to parody it…

First thing I clicked on was Safe Space. LOL!!!!! I love it!

“You were born to deploy Kubernetes.”



Try `sudo rm -rf /` lol


Because it's funny and nostalgic. Seriously, who doesn't love those two guys and their videos (I wanted to write "parodies", but damn, some of those really hit hard).

I saw a similar design theme on Dan Brown's personal site recently and was wondering if it was one of those trends to feed off nostalgia or just a coincidence https://danb.me/

Dan doesn't use 98.css (krazam does!). You can tell by the 45 degree angles on the button borders.

This has been a trend for at least 15 years.

I wondered why Dan Brown https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Brown would have such a website...

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