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Each of those cells has ~7,000 synapses each of which is both doing some computation and sending information. Further, this needs to be reconfigurable as synaptic connections aren’t static so you can’t simply make a chip with hardwired connections.

You could ballpark that as that’s 400 * 7000 * 86 billion transistors to simulate a brain that can’t learn anything, though I don’t see the point. Reasonably equivalent real time brain emulation is likely much further I’d say 2070 on a cluster isn’t unrealistic, but we’re not getting there on a single chip using lithography.

What nobody talks about is the bandwidth requirements if this isn’t all in hardware. You basically need random access to 100 trillion values (+100t weights) ~100-1,000+ times a second. Which requires splitting things across multiple chips and some kind of 3D mesh of really high bandwidth connections.

> Which requires splitting things across multiple chips and some kind of 3D mesh of really high bandwidth connections.

Agreed. In the novel, it's a neuromorphing perception lattice, to suggest a 3D mesh. If you'd like to have a read, I'd be grateful for your feedback.

> I’d say 2070 on a cluster isn’t unrealistic, but we’re not getting there on a single chip using lithography.

Wild-ass prediction: future circuits are literally grown; circuit layout will be specified in DNA. No lithography necessary.

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