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That article in particular was the one that was debunked. It was based on a false rumor.

Debunked where? The only response is from Amazon (in the same article), who are disputing the number but still admitting that the team did intervene when needed.

And they did not give their own number, so even the dispute is very weak.

The 1000 Indians working to track all activities remotely was/is a false story.

See link below:


Can you please produce any evidence that it was debunked? I can't find anything.

Please provide evidence of your claim.

From TFA: "While Amazon insists these reports are “erroneous,” it doesn’t deny that humans aren’t involved with the process at all. Instead, Amazon says its workers are tasked with annotating AI-generated and real shopping data to improve the Just Walk Out system — not run the whole thing. “This is no different than any other AI system that places a high value on accuracy, where human reviewers are common,” Dilip Kumar, the vice president of AWS Applications, writes in the post."

Don't see how this refutes any claim. If anything, Amazon is confirming they have human intelligence involved, they're just leaving the quantity/portion ambiguous, as behooves them. Do you have Amazon equity?

Nevermind, I see from your profile, you do have Amazon equity.

"I used to run reddit.com's servers, then I ran Site Reliability at Netflix, then I worked on making Alexa faster and smarter."

Real astroturf hours here. Please keep your Amazon apologia to yourself.


No need to make this personal. This is about Amazon, not jedberg.

I'm certainly not defending Amazon, I'm defending AI. What they build was impressive and worked for the most part (I saw the behind the scenes). It was just really expensive because you needed high resolution full coverage of the entire store.

I just find it disingenuous for people to pull out this example as "why AI doesn't actually work" when it's not an example of it.

Why would it be disingenuous? They could be just misinformed or wrong.

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