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Author of Penzai here. I think the answer is a bit more nuanced (and closer to "yes") than this:

- If you want to use the treescope pretty-printer or the pz.select tree manipulation utility, those should work out-of-the-box with both Equinox and Diffrax. Penzai's utilities are designed to be as modular as possible (we explicitly try not to be "frameworky") so they support arbitrary JAX pytrees; if you run into any problems with this please file an issue!

- If you want to call a Penzai model inside `diffrax.diffeqsolve`, that should also be fully supported out of the box. Penzai models expose a pure functional interface when called, so you should be able to call a Penzai model anywhere that you'd call an Equinox model. From the perspective of the model user, you should be able to think of the effect system as an implementation detail. Again, if you run into problems here, please file an issue.

- If you want to write your own Penzai layer that uses `diffrax.diffeqsolve` internally, that should also work. You can put arbitrary logic inside a Penzai layer as long as it's pure.

- The specific thing that is not currently fully supported is: (1) defining a higher-order Penzai combinator layer that uses `diffrax.diffeqsolve` internally, (2) and having that layer run one of its sublayers inside the `diffrax.diffeqsolve` function, (3) while simultaneously having that internal sublayer use an effect (like random numbers, state, or parameter sharing), (4) where the handler for that effect is placed outside of the combinator layer. This is because the temporary effect implementation node that gets inserted while a handler is running isn't a JAX array type, so you'll get a JAX error when you try to pass it through a function transformation.

This last case is something I'd like to support as well, but I still need to figure out what the semantics of it should be. (E.g. what does it even mean to solve a differential equation that has a local state variable in it?) I think having side effects inside a transformed function is fundamentally hard to get right!

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