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Its a simple answer I give professional drivers in the diesel engine shop I work at.

Youre going too fast.

Mashing different departments together to do things quicker, faster turnarounds at the gates, playing with flight times to game service hours...it all comes back to you in the worst way.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Reagans sacking the air controllers union isnt still haunting this country to this day. Those were professionals, and you decided the rates interfered with profits, so now you get a lot more near misses from a much more exhausted crew.

the data on airline safety over the last forty years does not bear out your argument at all. Air travel has gotten much cheaper and much safer since Reagan -- TFA and Boeing's problems notwithstanding.

What you're describing sounds a lot like, to me, someone who loves unions and is mad about something that happened two generations ago, and it's looking for some bad effect to blame on it.

Air Traffic Controller here. A major problem is staffing, and that's still a problem because of Reagan's mass-firing.

I don't care about unions one way or the other. I'm just a member of my union for the "job insurance", but now I'm thinking about quiting next January (we can only quit in January) because they showed themselves to be ineffective and not representative of my needs (pay).

"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"

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