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Some of the sought-after addresses in London are in brutalist developments.


I love Barbican. One often overlooked quality of Barbican is how much design work went into it: these corridors, galleries, balconies are all unique, many design elements are one-off, and there are more than 80 flat types https://www.barbicanliving.co.uk/plans/

This makes it much more organic, surprisingly, than most modern developments. It's not just the same thing copypasted over and over, Barbican has a very human, natural variety to it, despite the superficially harsh appearance.

Sometimes this variety can even backfire, because Barbican can feel like a maze. But that's a consequence of it not being the standard street grid. I wish we had more architecture like that.

That doesn’t look too bad from the outside. Must be all the water and greenery.

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