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Interesting idea. I'm going to need you to provide a cost-benefit analysis on this.

Why? in the short term they will say "expensive", "low ROI", without analysing the long term gains when the bridge does not collapse, and those happy customers attract new customers to our company, to run away from those companies that have done such kind of ROI analysis in an attempt to justify their lack of common sense.

> run away from those companies that have done such kind of ROI analysis…lack of common sense

Are we seriously arguing for management by gut feeling over numbers in a thread about air traffic control?

ROI is a weighing of costs and benefits. It isn’t inherently short or long term. I can use 19th century physics to prove no plane can fly. That doesn’t mean we conclude physics is fucked, never do physics again.

What gut feeling? the comment is arguing towards engineering, not towards homeopathy.

If you have to analyze the weighing of costs and benefits, you are showing there is one point were you will consider safety too expensive, or some acceptable accidents (as long as it is not someone you love) in the long term.

> you are showing there is one point were you will consider safety too expensive, or some acceptable accidents

Yes. This is engineering. You can’t engineer to infinite safety without infinite cost.

Life is cheap, we know, but it sounds more like the board will receive a bonus increase, not like engineering.

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