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Well, I started a job at a small startup doing something relatively mathematically and technically complex.

I missed a few red flags.

The CTO had built a pile of indecipherable mess that runs a good solid business. And that's the rub, it was a good business. The CTO had build a steaming pile, but had it all in his head. If others couldn't wade through it, well, it was a good business.

Being a good business, they could afford to run through bodies. I discovered my "coworkers" were all contract. Another red flag.

So as my work extended out into the rest of the system I slowed down, and was eventually moved on. After all the CTO who wrote most of it could handle it, why couldn't I?

I'll take the Lisp over 6502 assembly any day of the week.

> I discovered my "coworkers" were all contract. Another red flag.

Why is this a red flag?

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