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This is essentially just (an extremely elegant) rephrasing of Marx's theory of alienation

It isn't.

> To all the talented young men who wander about feeling that there is nothing in the world for them to do, I should say: 'Give up trying to write, and, instead, try not to write. Go out into the world; become a pirate, a king in Borneo, a labourer in Soviet Russia; give yourself an existence in which the satisfaction of elementary physical needs will occupy all your energies.' I do not recommend this course of action to everyone, but only to those who suffer from the disease which Mr. Krutch diagnoses. I believe that, after some years of such an existence, the ex-intellectual will find that in spite of his efforts he can no longer refrain from writing, and when this time comes his writing will not seem to him futile.

How does this not fit into alienation?

Both seem like something you’d say if self-reflection hurts your puzzler. Not the first folks to cast inabilities as virtues.

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