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Another point overlooked is that the main focus of the article cites fewer people per household, then discounts things like AirB&B, which directly contributes to this statistic. It seems like a casual dismissal of the statistic, painting it as simply no one having children.

Short Term Rentals do not help, but ... as someone who has been doing housing stuff for a few years now, they're one of several bogeymen that people want so badly to be 'the real problem'. But they aren't. It's your neighbors who show up to oppose housing, like this crowd at a hearing I attended to support some apartments: https://bendyimby.com/2024/04/16/the-hearing-and-the-housing...

That's 40 homes (aka 'units') that are not built, and it's not because of STR's, foreign buyers, Blackstone or whatever other bogeyman.

That happens all over the place, every single day.

I don't think he's saying it's the cause, just a contributor. I would group them in with the "status-quo likers" I talked about, which also includes NIMBYs. The root remains an unwillingness to tell these people, "No, you had enough/had your chance. We're opening the spigot, and we're not predicating it on your getting rent."

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