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I was not repeating someone else lies, i was discussing the topic posted with my understanding on what was posted here with the information i had at the time.

Your replies to him were posted much later then my comments and by the time you posted i could not edit or delete my post.

I did posted some other reply further down in this thread that while were posted after you replies i wrote then before i saw your replies, so also based solo on the information post by the OP.

If the information is incorrect then my apologies.

To anyone else looking at this please look at the OP posted here and at Eich replies and reach a conclusion by yourselves.

@dang if you see this fill free to delete my comments.

EDIT: just to add that i have sent an email requesting my comments to be deleted, although i do not know how long that might take.

Thanks for this, I misread your comment. Sorry about that.

It's still tricky to believe a claim made by one person on the Internet, but in this case, I think one should look at who said it, when they said it, whether it's credible (this "board secret plan" claim is not), and what people directly involved have and have not said. I've said my peace now.

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