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I think you nailed it here. It's important to internalize that being a good employee (and/or leader) is not a virtue, it is a skill. You can be a good person and a bad employee/teammate/leader. A bad employee in the sense that you're letting other people down, and/or a bad employee in the sense that you're not getting paid appropriately or getting denied opportunities.

Your job is a really important part of your life - and you will also affect a lot of other people. It's important to be a bit strategic. Otherwise, even if you have wonderful intentions, there's a great chance you'll work on things that don't matter and that leadership knows nothing about, until your career quietly fizzles out.


If you want to be capably strategic about your life and intentions, most people that action on this are the small proportion that natively gets how to do it somehow. In the context of leading teams, this is usually ones that are natively charismatic and “get people.”

For everyone else, such as the introverts (engineers) who prob could lead a team quite well but don’t have that natural charisma ——> it’s learning from guides that spell it out… like this article does.

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