> It's possible to use this design without three tubes or the screen, strictly,
Without shadow masks or an aperture grille seems pretty dang hard. Even ignoring the alignment concerns, it requires a much, much higher bandwidth.
The shadow mask and aperture grille approaches were the only approaches that ever really worked for color CRTs.
Phosphors and some kind of masking is how you make different colors on a single tube. Indeed, the shadow mask or aperture grille was offset 3 times and used to etch for the phosphor coatings in most manufacturing processes.
> l addition of a shadow mask and additional tubes as a natural, later progression for improved performance.
There's just one tube-- multiple guns/beams, though.
Without shadow masks or an aperture grille seems pretty dang hard. Even ignoring the alignment concerns, it requires a much, much higher bandwidth.
The shadow mask and aperture grille approaches were the only approaches that ever really worked for color CRTs.
Phosphors and some kind of masking is how you make different colors on a single tube. Indeed, the shadow mask or aperture grille was offset 3 times and used to etch for the phosphor coatings in most manufacturing processes.
> l addition of a shadow mask and additional tubes as a natural, later progression for improved performance.
There's just one tube-- multiple guns/beams, though.