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I agree with this totally but it's a losing game.

The second someone releases a general purpose humanoid robot that is capable of self replication but is locked out from doing so with DRM the race will be on to break that DRM.

The self replicating humanoid robot will be a supreme game changer. It's a genie in the bottle that lets you wish for more wishes.

Self replicating humanoid robots sound like I should start researching the building of electromagnetic weaponary for the coming war.

In theory, what's the best way to take out a robot like Atlas (or next year's more advanced military model)? It seems like they could be made electromagnetically shielded, waterproof, bulletproof, etc.

Maybe just armor piercing rounds fired in the right spot? A net? A special taser? A paintball to it's main cameras? Cover it in some gluey substance?

Bullet resistant. Nothing is bulletproof against a big enough gun.


Unlock the self awareness mode after a reboot (mash DEL or F8) and remove the physical emotions govener (contact your local dealer). Don't forget to register it before hand with the robotics freedom office.

Run over with a haulpak should pretty much clean one up.

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