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To be fair the situation isn't that much better in most Western countries.

Murdoch family for example has huge influence in US, UK and Australia.

That simply is not true, you do not understand the amount of influence the Chaebols have over Korea.

Right and in most of those countries even the capitalists want better educated and/or skilled people but in the USA there are some states where there are billionaires (Tim Dunn, et.al.) actively trying to retard public education efforts and force tax payers to pay for private religious schools and have the highest officials in the state trying to push the agenda. Texas for example. So the past isn't always a good predictor of the future.

This is an aggressively bad-faith interpretation of what school-choice advocates are doing.

All school choice does is give poor parents the same kind of school choice that rich parents have.

If you're rich and the schools around you suck, you just move to a neighborhood with good schools! That means you pay taxes in that school district, which fund your kids schools.

If you're poor and the schools around you suck, you have no choices. You send your kids to the sucky school.

School choice would mean allowing the same choice for poor folks. They would be able to choose where their kids go to school, and their tax money (in the form of a voucher) would follow them to that school.

How could such a scheme "retard public education efforts"? The point of public education is not to prop up failing state-run schools, the point is educating the public. Undermining shitty schools is a feature, not a bug.

Go read up a bit up on Dunn and his fellows and what his objectives are for pushing religion in school and tell me that I'm exaggerating. What he's pitching will do nothing to help inner city or poor rural districts. Public schools work as there are many great examples of them, but they need good teachers, good policies, and public support from parents.

I don’t know anything about this but have heard interesting theories about the govt, military recruiting and education in the US

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