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China's Stock Market Struggles (reuters.com)
1 point by gmays 47 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Looking at the public data. China has shed >50% of their stock market since covid started.

Essentially China is in a great depression.

Chinese labour is now as expensive as France's. Which is really bad for them.

Their property is in tremendous crisis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_property_sector_crisis...

They have a tremendous amount of shadow banking, fake numbers, no law enforcement against these white collar crimes, and so you can only fairly assume these public numbers are far better then reality. Estimates have china's debt probably closer to 300-400% amortized against export numbers which arent possible anymore.

During the previous economic crisis they gave their pension funds full access to this stock market: https://www.reuters.com/article/china-stocks-pensions-idUSL4...

So basically all their pensioners are headed back to work now. Should help with labour costs?



China's future looks very bad. 3/4 of that capital flight is their own people leaving China asap.


And worse these record numbers of chinese citizens leaving are largely speaking restricted. Without these capital controls, the numbers would be far worse.

Then you have the reality that china and covid relationship. You have China protecting Russia in their offensive war against ukraine. You have China starting a war with India. You have threats against Taiwan. There's some sort of "genocide" of muslims in their west; though im unsure if that's true or moreso war propaganda.

China seems to have picked these fights and I'm not sure why they have done so.

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