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Talk to people in the area, I guess we do miss honest and straight forward source of info for the general public.

In general robotics flies under the radar because it's rare to see a unicorn or anything really flashy and there is a big gap between big aspirations and fake demos and real world applications with polished use cases and diligent design, processes, etc.

source: I'm a skeptic roboticist working in the industry.

I have zero ties to the industry. Am I right to assume there's a lot of DoD-driven echo chamber? Material being produced for the big clients and contracts ?

I'm not based in the US to give you an accurate picture on this scene, most of it happens behind the curtains.

What I can say it's there has been always a movement to weaponize robotics in some way and this has gained interest from the market in the past few years specially with the Ukrainian and Palestinian wars. It takes time and a lot of money to polish an application like this, if there isn't a behemoth funding research and PD on this it will take a long time before it takes off, and I hope it never does.

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