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Whatever marginal effect foreign interference has, it's almost certainly dwarfed by interference, or "lobbying", from domestic capitalists.

This is certainly an issue, but apart from environmental legislation (e.g. please may I pump raw shit and tonnes of pesticide into public waterways) their main interest is at least in preserving public stability, general wealth and happiness.

Dictatorships though have a more macroscopically sinister agenda against successful democratic rivals.

Don't forget entertainment news (CNN, Fox, etc) who play no small part in dividing/destabilizing the country.

Foreign interference is almost always bad and against the interests of national security. Lobbying on domestic policy actually has some important uses.

But most of these uses only favour few rich people.

I haven't read much about the domestic capitalists and lobbyists attacking our critical infrastructure with cyber-attacks. Please tell us more about this.

They're the ones that cost-cut the operations of aforementioned critical infrastructure to the point of it being so vulnerable...

Just look at catastrophes caused by PG&E in 2018, ERCOT in 2021, or First Energy in 2003. Not a single one was caused by an attack on critical infrastructure, they're just cutting corners!

They don't have to, they just buy politicians that remove safety laws and break strikes against unsafe working conditions. The Ohio rail disaster was just one example of this happening.

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