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I've used that button so many times to find things. I wish there was another directory that had the same unique feel but a bit more modernized. Wiby seems to be only one era or feel.

I got some quality issues right now. Kinda works but not as well as I'd want.

It's gotten famous enough that people have started optimizing for it?

Nah, just been working on low level stuff and I haven't had the time to do a lot of the manual quality tuning that's always been necessary once in a blue moon.

Downside of being a one man show is I only have so much attention to spend on tasks, so sometimes quality tuning gets a bit neglected.

The guy behind StumbleUpon still seems to be doing things in that area.

I'm not sure what went wrong with StumbleUpon; it worked well from the user end of things.

Gonna plug my project: https://moonjump.app/

I have a keyboard shortcut that opens moonjump.app/jump, which will redirect to a random site

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