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c++ and rust are the same: computer languages with an ultra-complex syntax requiring absurdely gigantic compilers.

This is not a case of one is better than the other:

Both are actually quite toxic (the word is fair) for this very reason, and it is already enough. It is time to grow up and acknowledge that.

What's best, in your opinion.. C, Golang, Python..?

It depends on the type of software of course.

But the chosen 'computer language' should be simple enough to allow reasonable real life alternative implementations. The current C syntax is usually the less worse compromise. C syntax is already too complex, and ISO should simplify it instead of provoking feature creep on a cycle of 5-10 years cycle (this is sneaky planned obsolesence).

Python syntax is supposed to be simple, but some parts seems horrible expensive (syntax integrated custom regexp).

C should be simplified: no integer promotion, no implicit cast (except for literals like rust, void*), only explicit static or dynamic casts (without that horrible c++ syntax), hard compiler constants, one loop keyword, no switch, no enum, only sized types, etc.

The migration path would use C standard version switch of compilers.

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