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I am deeply touched by the expression of a need for actual "home". I hope everyone can figure out what home is and find it. It is in some way related to self.

As a young child I moved from an extremely urban environment, to a relatively pastoral one, and then back to an urban environment. The pastoral one is the one which "stuck" with me. I now live on enough land that there's always yard work and I keep chickens; it's repetitive but changes (with the seasons), and to me that feels like "home".

My father was a psychiatrist. An NLP practitioner turned me on to a great hack (for me) of "charging up" (by handling) some object (could be a set of keys, could be almost anything) when I'm in a setting where I'm grounded, centered, at peace, etc. etc. and then handling that object when I need to "find myself".

My father in law was an origami master. This gave him the opportunity to learn from and teach others, but the practice not only helped him maintain dexterity but I think it also helped ground him in old age.

My wife is an artist. The act of making art helps her mentally process things, helps with dexterity, etc. etc. She also teaches art at a senior center. Not only does it help with dexterity, but it helps stave off dementia. "Art therapy", at least in some form, is not a joke.

Best wishes for all of you.

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