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Thank you for your kind words.

Going to inquire around getting a very cheap Tesla and hoping the stock crashes so that I can load up on more TSLA stock.

Sounds like lots of ex-Tesla fans bought in when the cars were over-priced.

Counter-trading HN has never been more profitable. [0] [1]

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34713073

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34618224

Love the humblebrag. This "investing" method works until once day it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, HN is wrong a lot of times. Those two specific examples are about companies that are monopolies for all intents and purposes. Google and Meta pretty much control their primary markets. Tesla does *not* control their primary market. In fact it looks like their competitors are closing in on them very fast. No one was closing in on Google Search or Instagram/Whatsapp. The numbers never indicated that at any point in time. For tesla on the other hand...

Good Luck :)

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