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I'm not a professional programmer, just someone who uses Linux as their daily driver.

Discoverability is the most important thing than other reason for me when selecting a tool.

Quoting from Purl's README:

    Simple Commands: Use straightforward options like -replace, -filter, and -exclude to manage your data.
    Edit Files Easily: The -overwrite option allows you to update files directly, making changes quick and simple.
When I use `find, xargs, cat, sed, awk, perl, like tools`, I often struggle to remember even the simplest options. What is the option for 'ignore case', 'in-place edit', or 'info'? -i could mean anything.

This is one of the reasons I switched my shell to fish. It offers more discoverability than bash and zsh Fish shell supports searching for a command's options name and description using <Tab><C-s> BY DEFAULT. I believe this approach is quite effective.

Thus, I prefer Purl like syntax more.

I understand what you mean (although I "grew up" on UNIX, don't find this a problem); however, it would be better if the long (i.e. readable) options were prefixed by double dash to follow usual UNIX convention.

Using single dash for single character options allows you to combine them, which is really useful (if you do remember these options of course), so `-exc` means `-e -x -c` etc.

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