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US per capita CO2 emissions now at 1913 levels (twitter.com/hankgreen)
6 points by bilsbie 50 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

But the population is much greater now, so overall emissions are much higher than they were in 1913.

We don't get a free pass just because there's more of us. The Earth's climate can only handle so much CO2 without being disrupted, and we're well past that point.

> But the population is much greater now, so overall emissions are much higher than they were in 1913

You're correct. But this attitude, prominent among environmentalists, is exhausting. Instead of minimising progress why not celebrate them as milestones?

More to the point: the population is greater, but so are living standards. A common trope is that we can't have progress in living standards or growth without more emissions; this is further evidence that's false.

> Earth's climate can only handle so much CO2 without being disrupted, and we're well past that point

Every action disrupts something. If you're implying we're past the point of no return, then the logical conclusion is further effort is futile. That's not correct, because the premise is premature.

How much of our CO2 emissions are generated in other countries and the finished products are imported here?

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