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…while the heat pump dryers take longer to dry…

I’m not even sure how true that is with the latest all-in-one washer/dryer combos. The ones released in the U. S. just this year, one of which we have (GE) can do a full load wash and dry in about two hours, which is probably about how long our old separate units would take. Or at least close enough that we don’t notice or care. A load of blankets might be 2.5 hours.

And if takes a few minutes longer, the lack of a vent and the fact that it runs on a 120V plug more than makes up for it.

> I’m not even sure how true that is with the latest all-in-one washer/dryer combos.

Haven't used all-in-ones, but one possible concern: lack of pipelining (to use a CPU term).

I wash darks first, and when they finish washing I put them in the dryer. While darks are drying, I can put whites in the washer. When the darks are dry, I remove them, and then put in whites to dry. (Continue for any further cycles/types of clothing.)

With an all-in-one I have to wait for darks to completely finish before anything can be done with white (etc). Is this a problem for you?

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