Hey HNs!
I used to use Google Drive. But out of fear of getting locked out of my account for whatever random reason, I decided to migrate everything off Google to an external SSD/HDD
I (try to) do backups once a month, so everything that I've accumulated during that month (photos I took, invoices/payrolls/other docs I received) are being moved off my laptop to an external SSD. An encrypted incremental backup is then made and stored on another external HDD, and copied to Backblaze. This gives me 3-2-1 backup strategy.
So far, so good.
However, this poses an inconvenience. I'm not always carrying the SSD with me, and sometimes I need/want to access some data on the go (from either laptop or mobile phone). While important documents can be kept in iCloud, I'm not yet committed to pay for a higher tier of iCloud for photos/videos.
I don't have much data. Out of the 1TB of the SSD, about 780GB are occupied by everything I need to preserve.
While researching this topic, I came to the realization that many people self-host document and photo management applications that are writing data to a NAS server, and then they compliment with an external and offsite copy to follow the 3-2-1 rule.
Here's the catch. I don't own an apartment, I rent. Moreover, in the past year I've left my home country, travelled across 3 countries, relocated to a 4th country where I once again rent. A NAS could have not survived such trip. I have no place to put a permanent NAS. Parents rent as well, and in any way I'm now far away from them, so if something breaks with VPN to a potential NAS at their place, I won't be able to fix this.
What are my options? Should I just succumb and pay Apple for 2TB while keeping the 3-2-1 ritual once a month?
I use iCloud Photos as well, mainly so I don’t have to manage photos and storage on my device and it can just take care of itself. However, I’ve been worried about lockout or other data loss. I’ve been thinking I need to create a backup on my NAS (which then gets backed up to the cloud).
Apple alone won’t really solve your backup issues anymore than Google. So if you were uncomfortable with Google, I’d expect you to have a similar feeling about Apple.