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How can I break the circle?
1 point by tzal3x 30 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
As a web dev with no interest in front end UI, but forced to do because of current company needs and need to pay rent, what would be a way to get out of this area and focus on back end? I would prefer not to apply for a new job, but work on something in parallel in order to get more confident in another field. Would open source involvement play a role, and if yes what’s a good way of finding one? Cheers.

Build something that needs backend. Consider it a hobby. Your day job funds your hobby. Just as it pays the rent and puts food on the table.

Maybe your hobby leads to a better day job. Maybe it doesn't. If you enjoy building backends, it doesn't matter. If you don't enjoy building backends, then a job building them won't make you happy.

Good luck.

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