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There's a different entitlement here that nobody is talking about: shopkeepers aren't museums. They want to sell product and they should be able to, even to the foreign collector / scalper, if that's what they want to do.

I'm sure they're crying to sleep over their inventory moving off the shelf in a niche where products can stay on the shelf for decades.

Also, what do these people (including HNers) expect to happen in a collectors' market of items that aren't produced anymore? Prices to be stable forever or the supply to never shrink?

Of course, the cherry on top (wrt the comments here about the sanctity of Japan or whatever) is that it's an American whining about it in the article. Japan is his playground and those tourists are ruining underpriced games for him.

Yes, I'm getting the sense that the wambulance needs to visit several people here.

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