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Tcl's first original movie is an absurd-looking, AI-generated love story (engadget.com)
4 points by erehweb 69 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Apparently TCL is a media company? I was wondering why a niche programming language was getting into AI generated movies...

The trailer looks so bad, so aesthetically and technically artless, that I'm afraid it might actually be cognitohazard. Just having seen it may have damaged by brain like prion disease. And this is what everything, everywhere, is going to be like soon? This is the future?

Kaczynski was right - we need to burn it all down.

This movie looks really bad!

The AI rock-paper-scissors that Corridor made is probably the best full-AI movie I've seen. TCL should take a page from their book and make some good anime, trying to make it look realistic is totally uncanny valley.

The television manufacturer, not the programming language.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that got confused about why someone made a movie about the programming language. And a machine-made love story at that!

I would totally watch a movie about Tcl language, even if it was machine made.

> On top of that, TCL plans to make its original content shoppable and have AI-generated "characters in our shows that can be brand ambassadors and influencers for advertisers."

...and here we have the truth of things. It's not really an attempt to make something artistic or good. It's just more crappy advertising.

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