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Show HN: Facelessvideos.ai – An app to create viral TikTok videos with AI (facelessvideos.ai)
7 points by markdoppler 54 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments


As a thought experiment, if TikTok was populated only with these videos, would you spend any time using it?

Do you willingly consume artificially generated content; prose, music, or video? I assume you do, otherwise you would not be promoting this product here.

I do not; there's no "there" there. Just empty calories.

yes sure!

Cool - Any details on how it done behind the scenes?

No technical detail, just a "thin layer on top of OpenAI" pop-up SaaS creator¹ spamming HN like their users spam TikTok.

These are common on TikTok but get very little engagement from what I can see. The cool kids have moved on from "Ken Burns effect" video to AI-generated avatar videos (see heygen.com) that can fool some people some of the time.

¹ https://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=markdoppler

Products like this make the internet worse.

You're implying TikTok wasn't already garbage.

Not really, I subscribe to a handful of Youtube channel about Stoicism and motivation in general. They are all faceless and I love them. I don't feel someone is trying to sell my their book or system.

Well I'm glad you're enjoying the philosophical equivalent of junk food I guess.

no offense, but this appears to produce content i would be embarrassed to be associated with.

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