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The comment doesn't really say anything and the commenter is not saying they edited the comment to make it just non-substantive rather than non-substantive and inflammatory.

Excellent point. Thank you!

I would hope people aren't using flags for low-value comments, but you make a great point that it could have been edited to remove something that was deserving of a flag.

aren't using flags for low-value comments

They could, and if you ask me, they should. They gum up threads and often start meta discussions about exactly how low-value they are. Many are even explicitly listed in the guidelines - snark, tropes and memes, 'broke the back button', shallow putdowns, etc. Righteously flaggable, one and all.

I agree regarding snark, and pretty much anything that criticizes the person rather than the ideas. But one person's tropes and memes are often somebody else's current belief/position, especially if they are part of today's lucky 10,000[1].

What (in your opinion) is the purpose of the down-vote button?

[1]: https://xkcd.com/1053/

But one person's tropes and memes are often somebody else's current belief/position

In a site with the ostensible goal of 'curious conversation', that's not really good enough - it's not the job of your potential interlocutors to figure out what sincere, reasoned beliefs and positions hide behind the throwaway trope line. If you want to have a conversation, it's on you to try to converse. There are lots of other places where the trope line is fine - from the group chat with friends or colleagues to twitter. But those places work in different ways.

What (in your opinion) is the purpose of the down-vote button?

It's a way to say 'this comment is misranked'. There are lots of reasons to feel a comment is misranked - including simple disagreement.

Saw it while it was flagged. There were two sentences. They removed the second one. Cant remember the exact wording, it was a short one, but it was basically saying: "Israel bad".

Ah thanks, that does indeed sound flag-worthy

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