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Conscientious Unbelievers (aeon.co)
8 points by nsoonhui 50 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

One thing I cannot find out was the origin of Scottish blasphemy laws.

The Wikipedia article says that blasphemy laws in England and Wales were passed right at the end of the Middle Ages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blasphemy_law_in_the_United_Ki...

but only mentions the end of Scottish blasphemy laws not their origin.

Very possibly, but there would still be an "origin date" from the first prosecution. It may not be known, of course.

Article starts with:

> How, a century ago, radical freethinkers quietly and persistently subverted Scotland’s Christian establishment

But then goes on to talk about 1840, which is more two centuries ago

I think you mean “almost two centuries ago”

Oops. This estimating centuries is harder than I thought

> 1840, which is more two centuries ago

Um, you might want to check your calendar on that one.

To be fair, the clergy was the top authority at the time.

And for most of us, contradicting that authority is absurd.

And yes, we can all break out the well-worn arguments justifying such. Regardless, that's the end product.

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