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> "4K 120 FPS" - uh no, you're not getting that on an iGPU

You are not going to get that from many dGPUs either. You might get that from the high end in the last or previous gen, but not from the midrange or 2-gen-old models.

It really depends on the game.

I have a 4090 (for work, I swear…). Cyberpunk is smooth, but I don’t get 4k 120fps. But I also play a lot of little indie games. Terraria? Stardew valley? Slay the spire? This stuff doesn’t need a dgpu at all. And I suspect a significant percentage of global gaming hours go into stuff like this now. Games that really push the hardware are expensive. (Well, or badly made). Either way, it’s usually bad for business.

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