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It seems to say that under some circumstances a phone will report its location (indirectly over an e2e encrypted network) to the owner of a bluetooth device that's in range of the phone.

It doesn't say that the phone is constantly polling the location to do so. Now, your paraphrase is compatible with that text, so it's possible that it's indeed how it works. But there are other equally consistent options, e.g. that the phone only reports bt device locations in when it already has a fine-grained location available anyway for other reasons. The latter kind of seems more likely to me (to minimize the impact on battery usage for users participating int he network), but in reality we don't know which of these two schemes (or some other one) is used. And since we don't know, it seems like bad form to just make up an interpretation and claim that it's what the article says.

And either way, the article also does not claim or imply that the security of the system relies on this "constant polling", which is how you paraphrased the article.

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