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> If it weren't Nintendo, one would think this could be a creative approach to reviving the console

That is what they're doing, the Pretendo project is building custom servers for the 3DS and Wii U to replace the official ones which just shut down. This exploit makes it possible to point a non-jailbroken Wii U at the Pretendo servers just by changing the DNS settings.


I feel like this would be more plausible if the bug hadn't been introduced more than 3 years ago.

Yes, but Nintendo certainly isn’t trying to help pretendo

it is possible that an engineer inside nintendo is surrepticiously helping by introducing a bug like this. It's really the lawyers that are trigger happy about suits and take downs (and they're within their right, and have good reasons to of course).

The equivalent of “thermal exhaust” flaw for Nintendo IP

brilliant Star Wars reference

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