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VSI prunes OpenVMS hobbyist program hard, with no more Alpha or Itanium editions (theregister.com)
9 points by lproven 64 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

They didn't even try to go the Open Source route, much less started a business to prolong VMS.

So, the famed OS should die a fanglorious but inglorious death.

[Author/submitter here]

Your comment doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual story. What gives?

> They didn't even try to go the Open Source route

No. It's not their code, and it's very very old, mostly written in language such as BLISS that nobody can read any more.

There's really not much point. Look, here is a modern 21st century OS in C++ with a host of 3rd party apps, a WWW browser, IPv6, realtime SMP and more.


I've owned at least 7 devices that used this. It's far better than anything on sale today.

Nobody cares.

So, no, they did not try to do $POINTLESS BUZZWORD, no.

> much less started a business to prolong VMS.

Wrong. Prolonging VMS is the sole purpose of the enterprise.

Its owners cancelled it 11 years ago. Note the dateline of this story -- as well as who wrote it:


So, no, you are wrong.

> So, the famed OS should die a fanglorious but inglorious death.

"Fanglorious" is not a word. Did you perhaps mean "vainglorious"? If so, how do you think it applies here.

"Inglorious"... personally I think they're having a damned good try at saving it. If you have a better idea, let's hear it.

I think you're wrong on all counts here, and you have not addressed a single point I made in the article.

They should release the code.

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