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Well then maybe I can pay my taxes this year with the “funny money” you are talking about.

Forgone taxes are REAL money.

I see your point, but if the USA didn't encourage the company to set up fab shops domestically, then it wouldn't be receiving those taxes either - but in that scenario it also wouldn't be receiving the indirect benefits of having that company operating locally.

Your personal taxes are a different matter - the nation state is not trying to court you into operating within its borders with some tempting on-paper discounts.

Or maybe you can pay 4-10x or even more the price for chips when something in the world destabilizes (remember that during covid?), was that not real money?

Libertarian types love to make models of the world that are so simplified they are totally incorrect. But hey, you'll be able to save on taxes in the good times, and starve in the streets during the bad.

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