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Racketeers also typically use the macro system, which is exceptionally robust and sane, for new features. The base language has been very stable for a long time. That's how the typed dialect is implemented, which you can use with ease on a per-file basis in your project where performance is important, and it also supports at least a couple of Scheme standards in the same way.

Another thing that's nice with Racket is that it can produce binaries, and while the cross-compile story is kind of messy the language as such is actually, really, multi-platform. Even the GUI-library, which is quite nice, especially with gui-easy additions.

Yes! The binaries and gui-easy are both great!

And I just love how easy it is to do everything in Racket. Creating an executable, adding a package, including a module, even spinning up a new file and putting it in SICP compatibility mode - all of these things require 0 memory or reference with a manual because they're so straightforward. Everything is very nicely designed.

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