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So far, AI hasn't been profitable for Big Tech (arstechnica.com)
5 points by cdme 54 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

AI does not change the economics of software.

If you want it to be profitable package it into a product people will pay to access. For example a ChatGPT clone that builds basic CRUD apps at far lower complexity from common input parameters which eliminates (repurposes) jobs better spent writing documentation, gathering requirements, or possibly writing original software. People would pay big money for that because developers ( cost centers) can be transformed into business admins (profit centers).

Don’t worry, they’ll make up for the losses on volume.

Yes, that’s a cynical joke. Or perhaps an indirect reference to not yet having found product market fit for this tech.

They’ll find a problem to pretend it’s a solution for someday.

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