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according to Scottish comedian Billy Connolly, Whoppie Goldberg once said that "Vegemite tastes like licking a cat's arse". Although Connolly hasn't asked her about her research.

I personally don't understand the war between marmite and vegemite. Nor the craze about reducing the salt. They are both an acquired taste but really staple food once you get used to it. I wouldn't want to start a day without marmite (or vegemite) on some hot buttered toast.

Amanda Palmer celebrated Vegemite in a song called Vegemite (The Black Death).

“I cannot hold a man so close, who spreads this cancer on his toast…”


It’s like Pepsi vs Coke, but without the ease of appeal of 12% sugar content. Behind the imposing wall of salt, they have subtle yet significant differences in flavour. An alternative probably won’t trigger the same comfort memories.

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