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Chinese schools testing 10k locally made RISC-V-ish PCs (theregister.com)
13 points by ankitdce 59 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Forest through the trees guys! I am far more concerned with the fact that somehow there is one teacher for every 12 students in China compared to one for every 35 students in my country. Beyond that I feel the more important thing to focus on is that the proverbial paper dragon has gone digital and in a big way!

Classroom sizes in the USA have made schools into filing cabinets for children. Teachers can barely keep the kids from killing each other. Much less provide an effective education.

> RISC-V-ish

They could've just said that it's Loongson.

Why don't they just say MIPS-ish

Because MIPS is no more.

MIPS owners abandoned it for RISC-V.

It's RISC-V that's MIPS-ish, not the other way around.

Later MIPS ISA revisions were after RISC-V and appeared to copy RISC-V features, such as compare-two-registers-and-branch in MIPSr6 (2014) and other things including the variable length encoding in the just about still-born nanoMIPS which I think has made it into only one SoC used exclusively by Mediatek.

MIPS was RISC[0]-ish. So is RISC-V.

0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_RISC#RISC_I

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